First sailing training: tips for beginners
Join our Sailing Experience at Wind Rises base, available on both weekdays and weekends. This is a great way to learn more about sailing. Let's learn more about this wonderful experience
What experience is required?
You don't need any previous experience to start training. It is absolutely not necessary to know how a sailing yacht is built, what the courses are called in relation to the wind and how to tie knots

The training is designed so that you learn everything along the way. This is much more effective and easier than reading a bunch of obscure terms and trying to figure out what you are doing with sailing in theory
How to get to training
To get to your first training, you need to sign up on the website. It is better to sign up a few days in advance for the popular evening time on weekdays, the places are taken quickly, even for the weekends. At the same time, training in the evening at sunset is especially beautiful

The crew of the yacht Fareast consists of six people plus an instructor. It is not necessary to gather your team to come to the training. Many sign up individually, these people will be grouped into teams. Write in the comment box that this is your first time on a boat. This will help our administrators find the most appropriate partners for you
What you need to bring
After registering, you will receive an email with a list of things to bring:
Sailing gloves
They will help you to work comfortably with the sails. Without them, your palms and fingers may not be comfortable. You don't need expensive gloves for your first training session - it's impossible to predict in advance whether you'll be there for the next runs or not
The bases already have gloves, so you can use them or bring your own
You can get ordinary rubber-blistered construction gloves from any large supermarket or hardware store, they will suffice. There is an article in the magazine about budget options for hand protection, if interested - read it
Non-slippery and non-mark sneakers
The yachts are white, so they heat up less in the sun and look better. We try to keep them in pristine condition and not spoil them with colored strokes. So it will be great if your workout pair of sneakers, sneakers or any other shoes have a sole that doesn't leave marks. The point about non-slip is hard to check in advance, but if it's not pouring rain outside, it's not that important. I train in running sneakers, was in them on a boat in the rain for several hours - the flight is normal, I do not slip
Hooded windbreaker
You will need this in three cases: it's raining, the wind is blowing hard, or you're on an evening workout. It is cooler on the water than on land, and this becomes noticeable at night. In the rain, a windbreaker keeps you dry from head to toe. If the weather forecast says it's going to be hot and there's little wind, you can safely omit this item from the list
How is the workout
When you arrive at the pier, find the administrator. He will tell you your boat number and introduce you to the instructor. If you did not find the administrator in the first minutes at the base, do not be alarmed, the yacht will not go anywhere without you, you will definitely be found and brought to the team

Personal belongings can be left at our base in special lockers. Take only the most needed objects in a small waist bag. It's actually best to leave everything ashore, because there may be a small amount of water inside the boat from the extra sails, this is perfectly normal, but there is a risk of getting bags and backpacks wet. It’s why we recommend putting your phone in a waist bag, leaving it ashore or in a zipped pocket
What's next
All training takes place on the water. All crews get acquainted with the instructor, enter the boat and immediately begin to do something. For example, set the mainsail or untie the mooring lines to move away from the shore. Let the instructor know that this is your first time on the boat, so that the training will be more effective, and you will be gradually explained what is happening and why
If you suddenly want to just look and ride, and not do physical labor, be honest about it when boarding the boat. Resting on a yacht is absolutely legal if that is your goal. Moreover, we have a special program for that!
Be prepared for sailing boats to roll. This means that there will almost never be a flat deck under your feet, except for cases when the wind is too weak or there is none at all. At first, the roll is very unusual and can be annoying, but by the end of the first workout you will adapt to it. In subsequent workouts, the situation seems unusual when there is not an inclined surface under your feet. In light winds, we deliberately bank the boat so that it goes more cheerfully
There are several main roles on the yacht, the instructor will tell you about them. At the first training session, team members most often change places in order to try all the roles and find the most comfortable for them. So you have time to work with the sails and sit on the steering wheel. If you want to try something that another sailor is already doing, just say so
Feel free to ask questions about things you don't understand, even multiple times. Yachting is a separate world with a bunch of terms that are not found in ordinary life, so the brain can boil a little. All instructors are experienced and pleasant people, they will be happy to tell you not only about a particular yacht and its work, but also about racing, yachting in general and other classes of boats
As with any workout, your muscles can ache after sailing. It is likely that you will find a couple of bruises on your knees. But in this way we become stronger than we were yesterday
Book now
Wind Rises Fareast 28R sailing boat
How to get to Wind Rises Dubai
Yacht Class
Fareast 28R
A modern racing yacht with a speed of 20 kn at full capacity
Wind Rises Dubai
Ground Level, B01, Marina Views - Port Rashid - Dubai



Can a sailing boat rollover?
Nope, it’s almost impossible to roll over on a keelboat
I’ve never sailed before. Are your trainings suitable for me?
The answer is yes! Our mission is to popularize sailing to the masses, so we’re happy to see newbies joining us! You can also visit one of our regular yachting-theory master classes to prepare better in advance. Or get to the regular trainings straight ahead — our experienced instructor will enroll you in the process smoothly
I have a team already. Can we race with you?
Yep! Book the training together: if you’re taking the whole boat, you’re getting 15% off the price
I’m a pro. Are these trainings suitable for me?
Our regular trainings might be a bit dull for you, but no worries! We also offer a special series of advanced and specialized courses. We also organize match racing activities to cater the more experienced—you’ll love these!
I paid for the subscription, but something went wrong — what should I do?
Contact us on email — we’ll solve the problem for you
Plans changed. Can I reschedule or cancel my training?
Sure, you have 2 days to change the date and time of your adventure.If you are about to cancel the training, you have 3 days uo before the event to do it. Unfortunately, you cannot do it later without financial repercussions


Ground Level, B01, Marina Views - Port Rashid - Dubai
Sun – Mon
07:00 – 18:00
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